Mother Dear

Mother Dear
Written by John Curulewski
Lead Vocals by John Curulewski

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Lonely feelings in the city
One room flat with crumbling walls
Sirens play a distant melody
Neon shadows paint the halls

In the thirteen months I've spent here
With my manuscript and rhymes
I've paid in cash for foolish pleasures
Mother dear you'd call them crimes

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight
Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

I've been a Roman for survival
Showing two sides of my face
I need the comfort of your wisdom
I'm coming home to your embrace

If by chance I pass before you
Don't discount my gratitude
You're responsible for me here
And of course my attitude

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight
Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

Stayin' up half the night
Wonderin' if what I'm doin' is right
Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight


A modern take on the biblical "prodigal son" parable (Luke 15:11-32).  JC is quite the poet!

Lonely feelings in the city
One room flat with crumbling walls
Sirens play a distant melody
Neon shadows paint the halls

The young man is out on his own, in a city full of people yet feeling alone. He doesn't have much money, living in a small apartment in a run down building. Crime is a regular occurrence, as evidenced by the sound of sirens.  Neon lights outside the window suggest a poor urban area on a street with businesses open all night.

In the thirteen months I've spent here
With my manuscript and rhymes
I've paid in cash for foolish pleasures
Mother dear you'd call them crimes

It's been just over year trying to live on the meager income of writing poetry and, perhaps, music.  What little he has earned has been squandered, probably on drugs and prostitutes.

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight
Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

He has finally learned from his mistakes. Desperate, he's heading home.

I've been a Roman for survival
Showing two sides of my face
I need the comfort of your wisdom
I'm coming home to your embrace

He is ashamed have being two-faced, being good or evil as the situation required, just to survive. 

The Roman god Janus was the god of doorways, gates and transitions, and of beginnings and endings, having two faces looking in opposite directions (looking to both the future and the past). 

He has learned enough from the mistakes he's made to recognize the wisdom of his mother and so is looking forward to returning home and separating himself from bad influences.

If by chance I pass before you
Don't discount my gratitude
You're responsible for me here
And of course my attitude

Apparently life is not just difficult but dangerous where he lives.  There is a very real possibility he may not survive to get home.  He is thankful but recognizes that what he does reflects on her as well.

Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight

Now I see
Your concern
Mother dear how you taught me to learn

He is very excited to be coming home now that he has learned his lesson.

Stayin' up half the night
Wonderin' if what I'm doin' is right
Raise the roof
Light the lite
Mother dear I'm returning tonight

Now that he's learning to respect his mother's wisdom, he is losing sleep questioning his own judgment. Coming home will be just what he needs!
