All That's Yet to Come [Glen Burtnik]

All That's Yet to Come

Words and Music by Glen Burtnik
Vocals by Glen Burtnik

I can see the mountains I've had to climb
And where I've started from
But I can't help wondering what I'll find
In all that's yet to come

'Cause the sun comes up and the days go past
No matter where I run
But I still can't see how the die is cast
In all that's yet to come

And I've studied poets and followed dreams
Making a way down the road
But the trail stretches out to eternity
And there's no telling where it will go

So I pray each day for my daily bread
So many miles from home
And then trying to prophesy what comes next
As if I'll ever know

But if I could see what was up ahead
Before my time is done
Would I have the wisdom to wait instead
Through all that's yet to come

And I've gotten high and I've laid down low
Looking for holes in the wall
And it reaches farther than I can go
And maybe to nowhere at all

And so if a wish ever came my way
If I was granted one
Well maybe I'd just throw that wish away
Into all that's yet to come


I can't see the future. I can only look back at everything I've done and overcome in my life and wonder what will come next. I simply pray for my daily bread and do what I can. I don't even know that I would use a wish, if I had one, to take away the wonder of waiting to see what comes next.
