Spiritual War [Glen Burtnik]

Spiritual War

Words and Music by Glen Burtnik
Vocals by Glen Burtnik

King of the sky
and Lord of the underground
in a spiritual war between the
hell bent and heaven bound

Atoms fuse like spikes and anchors
and divide into tribes
when the spirits collide
run to the light


In Christian theology, the devil is described as the "prince of the power of the air" (Ephesians 2:2) and is also considered the leader of hell, which is traditionally depicted as underground. There's a spiritual war waging between God's people and those who reject God and by default serve the devil.

An anchor chart that diagrams atomic fusion looks like a spiked ball, due to the process releasing a lot of energy and light. When atoms divide they form groups of smaller atoms in clumps. As an analogy for living beings, these appear similar to tribes.  

In the spirit world, the angels who rebelled with Lucifer were cast out, like a fission event, forming another tribe (Revelation 12:7-12). The war between good and evil is commonly depicted by the contrast of light (good) and darkness (evil). In Christianity, Jesus is the light (John 8:12).
